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This page shows information from a previous legislative session and is presented for archive purposes only.


Legislative Analyst
Marty Garrity
Administrative Assistant
Shonna Amos
Legislative Attorney
Jillian Thayer

The Legislative Council was established by Act 264 of 1949 to collect data and information upon which legislative decisions will be made during regular session of the General Assembly. The Bureau of Legislative Research of the Legislative Council is a service agency within the legislative department of government. All members of the General Assembly have access to the Bureau of Legislative Research. The Legislative Council is the supervisory committee for the Bureau of Legislative Research, and the council coordinates the activities of the various interim committees and through the various committees provides legislative oversight of the executive branch of government. The council consists of 36 regular members - 20 House members and 16 Senators. In addition, there are 24 ex-officio voting members and 5 ex-officio non-voting members.(A.C.A. 10-3-301)

ALC RULES ADDENDUM: School Safety Set-Aside or Contingency Vote 3/5 Set-Aside


Senator Terry Rice
Representative Jeff Wardlaw
Representative Bruce Cozart
Senator Kim Hammer
Senator Bryan King
Senator Matt McKee
Senator Jim Petty
Representative Rick Beck
Representative Mary Bentley
Representative Mark H. Berry
Representative Cindy Crawford
Representative Les D. Eaves
Representative Deborah Ferguson
Representative Kenneth B. Ferguson
Representative Charlene Fite
Representative Jack Fortner
Representative Jack Ladyman
Representative Mindy McAlindon
Representative Ron McNair
Representative Stephen Meeks
Representative Josh Miller
Representative Aaron Pilkington
Representative DeAnn Vaught
Representative Danny Watson
Representative David Whitaker
ex officio
ex officio
ex officio
ex officio
Senator Jim Dotson
ex officio
ex officio
ex officio
Senator Ricky Hill
ex officio
ex officio
ex officio
ex officio
ex officio
Representative Howard M. Beaty, Jr.
ex officio
Representative Frances Cavenaugh
ex officio
Representative Carol Dalby
ex officio
Representative Jon S. Eubanks
ex officio
Representative Brian S. Evans
ex officio
Representative Vivian Flowers
ex officio
Representative Jimmy Gazaway
ex officio
Representative Lane Jean
ex officio
Representative Tippi McCullough
ex officio
Representative Stetson Painter
ex officio
Representative Matthew J. Shepherd
ex officio
Representative Richard Womack